Please complete all required fields!

North Peninsula Mandarin School 北半島中文學校

Refund Request 退費申請

To request a drop from a class, please submit this form (registration fee and book fee are not refundable). Please see the refund policy.
請於線上填寫加退選/轉換/退費申請表格, (書本費和註冊費恕不退費), 請查看相關退費規定.

I request to withdraw my child from NPMS and I reviewed the NPMS refund policy stated on the NPMS website.
(You are encouraged to consult with the teacher or Dean prior to submitting withdrawal request so that you may discuss the best possible outcome for your individual circumstances. 如有需要,您可先與老師或教務主任討論有關您的個別情況)

Student Information If you are requesting changes for two or more students in your family, please fill in all students' information here. (*: required field)
You only need to submit one request per family.

Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Chinese Name
Current Class *
Date of Birth *
Has the student received the textbook?
(Required for Chinese class withdraw.)
Yes    No
Reason of Change *
(Specify the class you want to change and reason)
Parent Information We will mail the refund check to the following address. (*: required field)

Family Id
(Leave it blank if you don't know)
Parent Name *
(This name will be used if check is to be issued.)
Phone Number *
Email *
Address *