Please complete all required fields!

North Peninsula Mandarin School 北半島中文學校

Registration request for new students 新生註冊

Registration Info:
Please submit this form online. We will contact you and send a Square payment link within a week, and you can follow the instruction to pay by credit/debit card.
請於線上填寫中文學校註冊單, 填好後, 我們將於一星期內寄給您 Square payment link, 請照 email 上指示在網上用 credit/debit card 付款

Are you new to NPMS? Yes    No
Student Information Enter the students information:

First Name Last Name Chinese Name Gender Birth date (mm/dd/yyyy) NPMS Grade applying to (TBD)
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Parents Information * New students: Please enter all fields below.
If you have more than one student in your family, you can enter all in this page. You only need to submit one registration form per family.

* Returning students: Fill in the contact information only if it is changed.

Parent 1 (English Name): Parent 2 (English Name):
Parent 1 (Chinese name): Parent 2 (Chinese name):
Home Address: City: State: Zip:
Home Phone:
Parent 1 CellNo: Parent 2 CellNo:
Parent 1 Email: Parent 2 Email:
Parent 1 Occupation: Parent 2 Occupation:
Languages Spoken at Home Mandarin   Cantonese   Englisth    Other: ;
Please enter your previous Chinese School experience.
Does your family speak Mandarin/Cantonese? Do you seek Native track or Conversational track?